A game written in lua using LÖVE for the GitHub Game Off 2020.

Play as a lone astronaut in this short side-scrolling journey as you
try to recover your equipment and make it back to your ship and crew.

The game has some issues when played in the browser. For keyboard inputs to work, you must click on the bottom blue bar as opposed to the game canvas itself.

Also, pressing the [up] and [down] arrow keys causes the page to scroll up and down. To avoid this, play the game in fullscreen or use WASD to control the character.

You can also download the game using the steps below.


index (6).zip 13 MB
game.love 8.4 MB

Install instructions

  1. Download game.love
  2. Download love from https://love2d.org/
  3. Run game.love using the downloaded love application. For example:
/Applications/love.app/Contents/MacOS/love game.love


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(1 edit)

There's a fun bug where if you change tab and come back after a while, loads of junk spawns. Also, is it possible to die?

Lol nice find, and no it isn't possibly to die. Thanks for playing